Dangeruss - Really groovy motorcycle and car art: vector, vexel and 3-d renderings.

Christopher99 - An amazing photographer and a good friend, he also runs his own web hosting company and makes independent films.

Trevor Amery - Beautiful and haunting oil paintings, in this age of digital everything it's refeshing to see art that is made from atoms rather than bits.

David Todd Trost - Sculptures, illustration and some whacky animation, a fun place to visit!

Bert Monroy - A master of Adobe Illustrator.

JavaSpeed Scooters - Friends Pattio and Toto own THE coolest scooter shop in Providence, Rhode Island! Someday, when the wife and I can afford to quit working we are going to move up there, buy a loft and zip around from coffeehouse to coffeehouse on Lambrettas all day.

BrokenSignal - Jim Nelson's music just keeps getting better, I hope they get a CD together soon

Machighway.com- Macintosh based web hosting services (you're in it right now!)

The Underground Terrorist Motorcycle Cult -
a worldwide unOrganization devoted to the cultivation of a new motorcycle culture, free of the bullshit and dogma associated with what is commonly known as "the biker lifestyle"

Two Truck Ted's Garage - ok, it's actually, the garage section of www.verrill.com and really, Ted's entire page is pretty good, but his motorcycle section is a wealth of good information.

Ravi Deka - A motorcycle-journalist from India who has made some incredible journeys

Ride to Work -
A great motorcycle rights organization that has real information you can use and promotes motorcycles as the ultimate transportation

PhilosophySquirrel - You would never guess what was happening at the higher institutions of education if it wasn't for the internet.

The RatBike Zone - Ratbikes, motorcycles are never meant to die!

Darkwave Tattoos - my old Beantown buddy Rueben is doing tattoo work here!

Motorchycho Sickle Zine - The coolest printed motorcycle rag on the planet

The Parlor - Daniel Dvorkin, a good friend from the Muddy's Java Cafe. He's also a very good writer....scratch that, he's an a AUTHOR! As in he's actually been printed, made money from his work and all that :)

Spyder's Legion Etranger Home Page - My old friend Spyder, he's actually even more dangerous than he looks

Dvorkin.com - The home page of David and Leonore Dvorkin, wonderful writers and parents of my good friends Daniel Dvorkin